Monday, November 16, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Speculation Part 2

We now cut to a desert planet, where the wreckage of an enormous star destroyer is half-buried in the dunes as a speeder races toward it.  Once the speeder approaches the wreck, a person hops off and begins preparing great to enter the ship.  This is obviously Rey (Daisy Ridley), a scavenger living on Jakku, a desert planet that was uninhabited until a great battle over it left many survivors both imperial and resistance marooned.  Rey lives in the colony established by her father (Max von Sydow) whose name has not been revealed as of yet.

Rey enters the star destroyer and begins looking around for relics or parts that could be useful to her.  She eventually gathers a few things and begins to leave when she notices something peculiar and checks it out.  She uncovers an object from years worth of sand and scraps to find a panel. she pries the panel open and and enters. She lights a torch and begins to look around. She is inside a ship of some kind, a smaller ship that must have been in the holding bay of the star destroyer when it crashed. She finds a control panel and is shocked to learn that the ship still has power, and when she tuns on the lights we learn that she is inside the Millennium Falcon.

She sits down at the control panel, the windows in front of her are covered in sand, she tries to power the ship to fly but it is too far buried and it's flight capabilities have obviously been broken by the years of decay.  She is still elated at this discovery though, and she hopes to work on the machine to get it back in working order.  She returns to her speeder and heads home.  When she arrives her father (the village leader) asks if she found anything useful to sell at market, Rey quickly shows him the bag of scraps, but is much more excited about the Falcon, and begins to tell him what she found and her plans to restore it.  The old man has an expression of worry on his face before he tells Rey not to tinker with old Imperial machines.

Rey grovels with him and she doesn't know why he's so adamant about staying away from the ship, but in the end the old man forbids her to return to the Falcon.  Rey is upset because she longs to leave Jakku, where she feels trapped, and if not she could sell a fully operational ship for a great cost to help provide for her aging father.  Rey begins returning to the Falcon in secret, where she's working on its mechanics as well as digging it out from the sand and debris.

We now cut back to Poe, who is laying on a hard bed in his cell.  We are also shown Finn to be asleep in a bunk surrounded by other off-duty troopers.  Poe's cell door quickly slides open, Kylo Ren is standing there, he enters and begins to interrogate Poe.  He asks Poe about the location of Leia, which Poe quickly makes clear he will not give up.  Kylo then asks about Luke Skywalker, and if he knew anything about Luke's location.  Poe scoffs at the idea, as no one had seen or heard of Luke for the last 28 years.  Kylo still demands information, and begins to use the force to torture Poe, he shows Poe the kind of power the First Order has attained, and the threat of unleashing that power upon everyone he cares about.

In Poe's mind Kylo shows him a weapon, a weapon that has the power to wipe out an entire star system.  In an illusion the power of the weapon is demonstrated, and Poe watches as many planets and people of the resistance, including Leia, are killed.  Finn, in his slumber, begins tossing and turning, he is sweating profusely, and he too is seeing the images of this weapon killing millions.  Poe is tortured by the illusion of the weapon, as well as the pain that Kylo is inflicting from being in his head with the force, but he still refuses to give up any information.  Kylo angrily halts the torture and leaves, simultaneously Finn awakes from his nightmare.  Poe drops to the floor, and Finn gets out of his bed and begins nervously but quickly putting on his armor.

Finn moves quickly to the prison wing, where he opens Poe's cell to find the man passed out on the floor.  He coaxes Poe awake and asks him what Kylo did to him and what he showed him.  Poe is confused so Finn removes his helmet and asks again.  There are guards approaching, so Finn makes the decision to escape, but he needs a pilot, so he brings Poe with him to fly and help him learn more about his nightmare, as he's confident now he is fighting on the wrong side.  He convinces Poe to come, and begins escorting him out of the cell.  The guards ask what he's doing, and Finn explains it's a prisoner transfer.  The guards are suspicious and demand confirmation of the order, to which Finn shoots them both.  Poe picks up one of the guards' guns and the two begin to make their escape toward the shuttle bay.

Alarms are sounding but Poe and Finn fight their way to the hanger, a massive legion of stormtroopers are running down a corridor towards the bay, but BB-8 plugs in and closes the doors to the hanger when seeing his master is the cause of all the stir.  BB-8, Poe and Finn hold off the remaining stormtroopers and climb into a Tie Fighter.  Poe, an experienced pilot and X-Wing leader takes the controls and the ship begins to rise.  He shoots the stormtroopers that are in pursuit of them, and nearly destroys the hanger before blasting out into open space.

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