Monday, November 16, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Speculation Part 3

They are quickly pursued by more Tie Fighters, and have a dogfight as they make their way out of range of the star destroyer.  Poe is able to take down two of the three Tie Fighters before the third one lands a fatal blow to their ship.  Their only hope is to crash land, so they start flying towards the desert planet below. The 2 men and BB-8 crash hard on the surface of Jakku, their ship skidding across the sand and collapses in a nearby dune.  Poe and Finn are both out cold.  BB-8 tries to wake his master to no avail, and heads off over the dines toward a mall settlement far off.

Soon after BB-8 is picked up by a scavenger riding a large creature.  The droid lets out noises of struggle that are heard by Rey, who is on her way to work on the Falcon.  Rey confronts BB-8's captor and asks if that droid is really his, the scavenger threatens Rey to stay away, but when she tries to free BB-8 he attacks her.  Rey quickly proves she can hold her own in a fight, as she quickly knocks the brute out with her staff.  She cuts BB-8 free of the net and brings it along to the Falcon.  While working on the Falcon Rey befriends the droid, asking it questions about its origin, when suddenly, there is a sound of booted up power, and more lights come on.

Rey smiles, she sits in the pilots seat and powers up the ship.  It works, the Falcon rises as more sand and debris falls off of it, and Rey expertly flies the ship out of the destroyer.

We cut back to Poe, who slowly wakes up next to Finn, who is still unconscious. This is his chance to escape, although he doesn't see his pal BB-8 anywhere. It is hot, Poe takes off his jacket and leaves it in the wreckage of the TIE fighter.  He reaches for his boot, where he activates a small button on it.  It's a tracker, and he begins moving towards the settlement in hopes that a rescue party will be sent for him from the resistance.

Rey has now flown the Falcon with BB-8 back to her home, which is the hollowed out remains of an ATAT Walker.  Her father is livid at her blatant disregard for his wishes, and orders her to sell the ship. He is hiding something.

We now see another vision of the super weapon, this is another one of Finn's nightmares. In the vision another planet is vaporized, and Finn jolts up from his slumber.  He looks around, but Poe and BB-8 are both gone.  He sheds his armor and puts on the jacket Poe left behind to look like a rebel pilot, and makes his way towards the settlement.  When Finn arrives he enters a bar where he's being glared at unfavorably.  Jakku is a neutral colony with no interest in the war, so the sight of a rebel pilot only spells trouble.  A few large, dangerous aliens make their way towards Finn, they ask him what his business is, and threaten him due to his ties with the war.  A voice behind the alien tells them to stand down, it's Rey.  She apparently is known to these aliens, and they like her and know her as the daughter of the village leader, so they comply.

Although she is equally skeptical of Finn, she doesn't trust him, especially because BB-8 is reacting strangely to seeing Finn again.  Finn wants to find out what happened to Poe, so he subtlety tries to gain information from Rey about how she and BB-8 came together without giving away his origin as a member of the First Order.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the town, a rebel shuttle lands to find Poe waiting for it, he looks pleased.  The shuttle ramp lowers down and Poe is met by Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) who have been sent to pick him up.  Poe and Han greet each other, although it's a little awkward as we will learn that Han and Leia have been separated for some time now, and Poe has always been closer with Leia and resented Han for his alienation of Leia.  The three board the shuttle as Han says some wisecrack like "let's get off this rock" (or some other Han-esque thing).  As they're flying Chewie lets out a great roar, and shows Han what he's seeing.

It's the Falcon.  The shuttle lands and Han reveres at the sight of his old ship.  He orders Poe to go on and reunite with the resistance, as there was no way he would leave without the Falcon.  Poe complies as he doesn't really enjoy spending time with Han anyway.  Han and Chewie board the Falcon, prompting the now famous line from the trailer "Chewie, we're home."

Cut back to Rey and Finn, who are walking (and Rey's trying to get rid of him).  They approach Rey's speeder when suddenly two TIE fighters scream by and blast Rey's speeder to bits.  The First Order has come looking for Poe and Finn, and they've found at least one of their men.  The Fighters make another pass, and Finn shoves Rey out of the way, taking a blast himself which puts him on the ground.  Rey comes back and helps Finn up, she trusts him now, and the two start running for it. The two sprint towards Rey's home, their only hope to board the Falcon and escape.

Meanwhile, Captain Phasma and a small legion of stormtroopers have found the village leader, Rey's father at their home, and also pull Han and Chewie off the Falcon and put them on their knees outside. Phasma questions the village leader about the whereabouts of any unfamiliar faces in the village.  The old man has been looking strangely at Han, as if he knows him. The village leader has some kind of contempt for the First Order, so in his questioning he spits on Phasma's helmet.  Phasma, doesn't budge, but a beat later shoots the man and kills him in cold blood.  The Captain walks over to Han and Chewie, she knows exactly who they are, and is very pleased to bring them to Kylo Ren alive.

Rey and Finn run towards the Falcon, Rey let's out a blood curdling scream at the sight of her slaughtered father.  Phasma and the stormtroopers hear while Finn quickly puts his hand over Rey's mouth.  The distraction allows Han and Chewie to overpower and disarm two stormtroopers.  A fight ensues and Rey, Finn, Han and Chewie all move towards the Falcon while blasting at troopers.  Phasma shoots Chewie in the arm, and Han covers him while they continue their escape.  Rey and Finn reach the Falcon first and Rey begins powering up for take off.  Finn gets on the guns and takes out the rest of the troopers, also knocking out Captain Phasma.

The TIE fighters are still after them, and as Han and Chewie board the ship they are all weary of trusting one another, but they have no time.  Han, being the grouch he is kicks Rey out of the pilot chair and takes off.  Chewbacca is roars in pain as Finn begins to clean his wound.  Chewie growls at him at first but reluctantly let's him help, which Han notices. With Han in control they have a dogfight near the planet's surface trying to lose the TIE fighters.  Rey eventually grows tired of this and demands the controls back from Han, she says she knows this land and can defeat them.

Han finally gives up control as Rey heads for the scrap star destroyer, and flies into it.  Han thinks she's crazy, but she flies with precision and perfection as both Tie fighters are destroyed by the mangled twists and turns of the chasm. Han is impressed.  Now that they're free of danger they finally introduce themselves to each other. Turns out Han and Chewie were part of the great battle over Jakku, but were on a failed mission during which Lando Calrissian was killed and the Flacon was taken from them.  Han adds something like "they've taken a lot from us."

After the loss of the Falcon and the death of Lando, Han started alienating himself from the rebellion and from Leia.  The only reason he came this time was because he was alerted it was Poe who was in trouble who he cares for greatly, despite their tension between each other.  Finn then shares the trouble he's had with his nightmares, and how realistic they are, and how he fears the First Order may have prepared a new super weapon with more power than 10 death stars.  Finn explains the strange connection he has to Kylo Ren, and doesn't understand how the things he does are possible.  Han then explains to Finn and Rey that all the legends of the Jedi and the Force are true.  That Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader were Jedi masters, and that Kylo Ren may also be a Jedi.

They are both amazed by these stories.  Han, worried about Finn's visions, knows where they must go to get answers.  Although he is reluctant to this as he knows it means a reunion with Leia.  So Han, Chewie, Rey, Finn and BB-8 fly to an unknown planet, which is lush with vegetation and jungle.  Han leads them to a castle that is a fortified stronghold with many flags of people of the galaxy. This is the castle of Maz Kanata (Lupita Nyong'o).  It is sort of a hybrid between Jabba's palace and the Cantina in Mos Eisley.  It is jovial, loud, and filled with some very nasty looking characters.  But Maz, their leader, is a mystical pirate who has sided with the rebellion.

When the companions enter they are greeted by a Mandolorian.  Not Boba Fett obviously, but someone from the same planet Jango was from originally, so their armor is that of Boba and Jango's.  Han asks to see Maz, and they are led to her chamber. Maz is sort of a Yoda-like figure, she is old, very wise, and has mystical, potentially Force enabled abilities.  She greets them and her eyes become very wide at the sight of Rey.  She explains that Rey brings great evil with her, as she can sense the presence of the dark side in her.  Finn stands up for her, saying that it's not her that brings the dark side, but him, and he admits that he used to fight for the First Order.  Rey is shocked, and now angry that it was Finn's fault that brought Captain Phasma to Jakku and murdered her father.

Maz interjects, "your father is not dead." Maz proceeds to show them all a vision of the past.  The man she thought was her father was really a Grand Moff of the old empire, and was aboard the star destroyer that crashed on Jakku.  Before the battle, infiltration of a rebel ship resulted in the slaughter of many rebels. And as the imperial troops closed in, Leia and Han ordered Lando to take their newly born twin babies, a boy and a girl, and escape with them in the Millennium Falcon.  Lando complied, but when he left the rebel ship he was quickly caught in a tractor beam, killed, and the babies were turned over to the Empire.

Eventually Han, Leia, and the rest of the resistance fought off the imperial troops and began firing on the Star Destroyer, not knowing their kids were on board. The rebels landed a fatal blow to the immense ship, and it began free falling toward the surface of Jakku.  Han and Leia couldn't get in communication with Lando, and feared the worst for their friend and their children.

On board the Star Destroyer, imperial officers were racing to the escape pods, the Grand Moff did the same, but he felt sympathetic for the kidnapped children of the Solos. When he went to find them only the girl was there, crying.  He picked her up and went to the escape pods.  It is unknown what happened to the boy.  He crash landed on Jakku, and waited for aid to come from the Empire, but it never did, and he set up a scavenger colony and raised the girl as 'Rey'.  Due to their lack of support, he grew bitter and hated the First Order.  He always feared Rey would discover who she was, and now she has, the daughter of Princess Leia and Han Solo.

The vision collapses, and Han and Rey stare at each other at a loss for words.  Tears stream down Rey's face as she moves toward her long-lost father and embraces him.  At this moment Leia, Poe, and C3-PO enter the chamber. Han, still perplexed, says "Leia," to which Rey turns around and runs toward her long lost mother.  Leia says she always sensed her children survived that day.  Poe gives Finn a look as if to say "we're cool." As the Solo family has their reunion, Maz orders the Madolorian to bring her her treasures.  She says something like "I suppose that makes this a family heirloom." She pulls out of a box with many strange looking artifacts in it a lightsaber.  She hands it to Leia, "this belonged to your brother, and your father before him."

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